Importance of Maintenance

Lennox Air conditioner

Whether your HVAC equipment is new or old, routine maintenance is important to keep the equipment running efficiently, safely, and for the longest time possible. Most equipment manufacturers recommend maintenance to be done annually and some may even go so far as to deny warranty claims if maintenance has never been done and a component fails. Depending on the exact system configuration that you have, certain things should be checked, cleaned, replaced, or calibrated on a regular basis.


Does my new HVAC equipment need to get maintenance?

Absolutely it should. You wouldn’t buy a new car and not get its oil changed right? Even new equipment is important to get regular maintenance done for several reasons. As we talked about before, some companies can deny a warranty claim if there has been no maintenance done on the equipment in a reasonable amount of time. Most equipment comes with a 10 year warranty on all parts. It is in your best interest to have a qualified HVAC professional do regular maintenance within that warranty period to potentially replace components using that warranty. Some environmental factors can also present issues even on a new install. Items such as flame sensors, drain lines, condensate traps, and intake and exhaust venting require maintenance no matter the age of the equipment. 


What gets done during HVAC equipment maintenance?

During routine maintenance a technician will thoroughly go through your equipment to ensure that all components are performing to the best of their ability and may recommend replacing parts that are damaged, weak, or otherwise unserviceable. When applicable, a technician will do the following when servicing your equipment:


Replace or clean filterReplace or clean filter
Inspect wiringClean combustion parts
Clear drain linesCheck ignition system
Clean outdoor condenser coilInspect heat exchanger(s)
Inspect contactorClear drain lines
Check capacitor healthInspect wiring
Check temperature dropInspect venting
Check refrigerant pressuresCheck for carbon monoxide
Check refrigerant temperaturesCheck gas pressure
Check blower speedCycle system to ensure operation
Cycle system to ensure operationCheck thermostat
Check thermostatCheck system safeties

All systems have different components which require different steps to properly maintain them. Boilers, 80% efficient furnaces, 90%+ efficient furnaces, heat pumps, split air conditioners, and mini-split systems all have different components which need to be maintained appropriately. Learn more about our maintenance agreements HERE